Dehydrated human amniotic membrane and amniotic fluid allograft for the treatment of complex rectovaginal fistulas:

A novel technique

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An Injectable Biologic Allograft for Resolution

of Pudendal Neuralgia in Chronic Pelvic Pain.


A Case Report

Dehydrated Human Amniotic Membrane and Amniotic Fluid for The Treatment of Rectovaginal Fistulas.

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A Novel Surgical Technique for Vaginal Stenosis

Due to Erosive Lichen Planus Utilizing Dermal, Amniotic Membrane, and Amniotic Suspension Allografts.

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - The Stem Cell Market in the USA

There has been growing appreciation that stem cell therapy has the potential to revolutionize the practice of modern medicine the world over.